Dzisiaj spotkała mnie bardzo miła niespodzianka. Danny Roberts, niezwykle utalentowany artysta, grafik wykonał dla mnie ten portret. Wcześniej podziwiałam jego prace na blogu Lisy, Rumi czy Pandory, i byłam naprawde pod dużym wrażeniem. Jest mi bardzo, bardzo miło, że wykonał go także dla mnie. Dziękuje Danny! Jesteś fantastyczny!
Translation: What a nice surprise! Danny Roberts, an extraordinarily gifted graphic artist made this portrait for me. I found his works on various blogs before and was greatly impressed. And now I'm absolutely delighted that he made a portrait for me. Danny, many thanks! You are fantastic!
Translation: What a nice surprise! Danny Roberts, an extraordinarily gifted graphic artist made this portrait for me. I found his works on various blogs before and was greatly impressed. And now I'm absolutely delighted that he made a portrait for me. Danny, many thanks! You are fantastic!