Uwielbiam Kraków! Przeprowadziłam się tu rok temu idąc na studia. Uwielbiam ten specyficzny krakowski klimat. Niby to wielkie miasto, ale nawet w centrum można znaleźć przytulne i zaciszne miejsce. Trzy moje ulubione miejsca to Planty, cały krakowski Kazimierz, no i oczywiscie Rynek. Idąc na studia zawsze marzyłam o tym, żeby mieć zajęcia właśnie w centrum. Od tego roku marzenie się spełniło... W końcu nie każdy ma okazje oglądać Planty z trzeciego piętra...;)
Translation: I love Cracow! I moved here a year ago and now it's my home, really. My favourite places here are Planty (the narrow park area around the middle of the town), Kazimierz (the former Jewish district) and Rynek (the marketplace). Before I came here to study I wished I could have my classes in the town centre. And this became reality. Not everyone has the privilege to see Planty from their third-floor window every day.
Translation: I love Cracow! I moved here a year ago and now it's my home, really. My favourite places here are Planty (the narrow park area around the middle of the town), Kazimierz (the former Jewish district) and Rynek (the marketplace). Before I came here to study I wished I could have my classes in the town centre. And this became reality. Not everyone has the privilege to see Planty from their third-floor window every day.
fot. Marika
bag - Sukiennice