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Sunday, May 30, 2010

Sparkly shine

Okeeeeyy... you need to see these! I already had a few fooled but I am happy to tell you that these sparkly things are not miu miu... but from river island! designed by the lovely sammy goff.. some may remember me talking about an internship that I got the chance to do, so... it was over at the river island shoe design department! It was so exciting and I enjoyed every second of it! I saw these a while back in the office and now I can finally let you know that they are available in stores...

Thank to every one over at river island... x

ps. sorry for not posting so much lately.. Uni is sucking the life out of me right now... got to love it though.


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

NEXT preview

Thank you to the lovely people over at Next for inviting me to your AW showroom! Is it just me or are they're design getting more and more exciting....? The upcoming collection had influences from D&G, Chloe, Burberry... and many more. I love it. My favorite, that I almost walked away in, was the clog boots!! they will be mine as soon as the collection launch in just a few months! also loved the aviator jackets and the sleek tops and dresses in leather..

Monday, May 24, 2010

Heat wave

topshop dress
jeffrey campbell clogs

pictures by Tasha

Looks like the summer is finally here.. and I am soaking in every tropical second of it. Pics taken over the weekend, in hyde park.. who knew an over crowded, bird filled field in the middle of busy London could actually pass for an exotic beach when you close your eyes and forget about reality for a while...

in more important news... the winner of the marc jacobs ring is Sabrina yeeyy congrats!! thank you to everyone who took part! your comments and ideas have been lovely to read! I assure you there will be more giveaways coming up soon..

I am still working on going through your questions.. I'll post answers soon.. I might also finally post some pics of my shoe shelf..

Hope you all have a sunny week


Friday, May 21, 2010

Thinking too much about you

Some pictures which I took yesterday with Marcin Socha. I'm wearing a jacket from MISBHV, a bustier which I bought some time ago in Top Shop and vintage shorts. The weather in Cracow is just awful, it's raining all the time. Can't wait for the real spring in Poland!

jacket -MISBHV
bustier - Top Shop
shorts - vintage
shoes - Sonia Rykiel for H&M

MUSIC: Trentemoller - Moan

Ps. W kioskach ukazał sie wczoraj nowy numer magazynu Viva Moda!, gdzie możecie zobaczyć sesją zdjęciową z sześcioma polskimi blogerekami: Madame Juliettą, Ryfką, Styledigger, Weroniką, Panią Ekscelencją i ze mną. To było jedno z najfajnieszych doświadczeń jakie mnie spotkały odkąd prowadze bloga. Bardzo dziękuje całej ekipie, szczególnie wspaniałej Poli Madej i dziewczynom za super spędzony (baardzo szalony) dzień! :)

ENGLISH: Last month I had a photoshoot for polish fashion magazine "VIVA Moda!" with 5 other polish fashion bloggers. Thank you very much to the Viva Moda! team! :)

66000 volts

american apparel hat
primark dress
zara bag
zara jacket
zara clogs
lapponia & marc jacobs rings
other jewellery vintage
nails inc. 'Diet coke limited edition' nail polish in 'london'

Found this little alley just off bond street while shopping in london a few days back.. the amazing thing is that every dumpster back alley around here looks like this, and makes my daily photo sessions really easy..

I decided to have a little Q&A so if there anything you would like to know.. you can ask.

also thank you to everyone who's taking part in my giveaway! It's still on until sunday so scroll down to participate!

H&M Style Guide

Jakiś czas temu napisała do mnie Sophie Karlberg, dyrektor artystyczny H&M i zaproponowała wzięcie udziału w letnim wydaniu magazynu H&M Style Guide. Jakby nie było H&M to jeden z moich ulubionych sklepów, więc zgodziłam się bez zastanowienia. Jest to naprawdę bardzo bardzo miłe i niesamowite uczucie zostać wyróżnionym przez tak znaną markę:)

ENGLISH: Some time ago I got an email from Sophie Karlberg from the H&M team with an offer to take part in the H&M Style Guide. Of course I agreed without hesitation. AS you can see on my blog, H&M is one of my favourite stores. Thank you H&M for featuring me :) Click here for the link to the complete article:)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I think it works for me

Sukienkę, którą możecie zobaczyć na zdjęciach dostałam kilka dni temu od The Scarlet Room. To kolejny sklep internetowy, którego asortyment mogłabym przygarnąć w całości. Niby to zwykła czarna sukienka, ale ażurowe wstawki na ramionach nadają lekko rockowego klimatu, który aktualnie bardzo lubię. A fason fachowo nazywa się skater dress.
Zdjęcia robiliśmy wczoraj. Stanie nad 30 metrową przepaścią było dla mnie przeżyciem ekstremalnym (bo mam lęk wysokości). Do tego z obstawą kilkudziesięciu komarów z każdej możliwej strony;) Miłego tygodnia!:)

ENGLISH: I got this dress from The Scarlet Room two days ago. These criss crossed shoulders make it the most perfect skater dress ever. Really love it. Thank you The Scarlet Room:)
Yesterday we spent a nice afternoon by the beautiful lake surrounded by rocks, where we took some pictures. It was pretty terrifying for me to stand on the edge of a rock and see the deep abyss. But I hope you like the pictures and that beautiful view behind me. Have a nice week! :)

fot. Michał Tokarski & me (last pic)

skater dress - The Scarlet Room
jeans shirt - H&M
wedges - Bata

Music: The Twelves - Works for me

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Miu Miu, please!

Rzadko zdarza mi się zachwycić kolekcją z wybiegu do tego stopnia, że czym prędzej chciałabym ją mieć w swojej garderobie. Takie właśnie miałam odczucia po zobaczeniu kolekcji MIU MIU SS/10 i chyba nie tylko ja, bo sklepy sieciowe z prędkością światła przechwyciły motyw przewodni, czyli wzory w jaskółki, koty i wyprodukowały ubrania zainspirowane tą kolekcją. Oprócz tuniki z Zary, w oko wpadła mi spódnica z Queen's Wardrobe i buty z The Scarlet Room - wszystkie rzeczy inspirowane Miu Miu. Impresje na temat tej kolekcji można też zobaczyć u wielu bloggerek, co powiecie o tych rajstopach, albo tych, albo o tej sukience? Prosty wzorek, ale ma w sobie coś ciekawego, dziewczęcego i bajkowego. Mnie w każdym razie absolutnie zawrócił w głowie!

Oh yes, I admit: I’m absolutely crazy about the MIU MIU SS/10 collection. It's just simple patterns: cats or swallows, but there is something interesting about it, something girlish and just fabulous. Chain stores took up this leitmotif and soon after they produced clothes and shoes inspired by MIU MIU. What really caught my eye are this Zara dress, the skirt from Queen's Wardrobe and the shoes from The Scarlet Room. I also like some cool ideas of fashion bloggers inspired by MIU MIU: tights by The Haute Pursuit, tights by Cocorosa and a dress by CATS&DOGS. Totally amazing!

fot. Magda

blazer - Zara
shorts - H&M
dress worn as a top - Zara
shoes - Jeffrey Campbell (Solestruck)
rings - H&M

MUSIC: Monarchy - The Phoenix Alive