Nie przepadam za dziewczęcym stylem, ale ta sukienka wyjątkowo mnie urzekła. Może dlatego, że ostatnio chodziłam głównie w spodniach i szortach. Równowaga w ubiorze musi być zachowana, dlatego raz na czas mam ochotę założyć coś bardziej delikatnego i dziewczęcego. Sukienkę z Mink Pink widzieliście już pewnie na Facebooku i Instagramie, bo to mój strój sprzed tygodnia, z Art Yard Sale w Warszawie.
English: I'm not the biggest fan of girly style but this dress stunned me. Maybe because lately i have only been wearing shorts and trousers. One needs to have a balance in clothes style so from time to time I want to wear something girly and delicate. You have seen the Mink Pink dress beafore on facebook and instagram as it was my outfit from Art Yard Sale in Warsaw.
English: I'm not the biggest fan of girly style but this dress stunned me. Maybe because lately i have only been wearing shorts and trousers. One needs to have a balance in clothes style so from time to time I want to wear something girly and delicate. You have seen the Mink Pink dress beafore on facebook and instagram as it was my outfit from Art Yard Sale in Warsaw.
ph. by Magdalena Zielasko & edit by Belletette
(wearing Mink Pink dress from MarketHQ, Alexander Wang bag, Acne shoes)
(wearing Mink Pink dress from MarketHQ, Alexander Wang bag, Acne shoes)